Beech Grove Promoters Club
The Beech Grove Promoters Club is a civic organization dedicated to serving the
City of Beech Grove, Indiana and the surrounding area.

The Beech Grove Promoter's Club is a 501(c)(4) civic organization dedicated to serving the City of Beech Grove, Indiana and the surrounding area.
We were founded in 1953 as the Exchange Club. The name was later changed to the Beech Grove Promoters Club.
Our annual functions are:
Spring and Fall Cleanup Days
Click Here for 2024 Holiday Parade Registration and Information
We meet on the third Tuesday of the month at 7:00 PM at the
Hornet Park Community Center. Board of Control meets at 6:30 PM.
If you are interested in becoming a member, please contact us via email at bgpromoters@beechgrove.com.
2023 Committee Members
Fireworks: Phil Barnard
Fall Festival Coordinator: Derek Blice, Nadja Goheen, Tim Latimer
Fall Festival Booths: Derek Blice, Jim Blice
Fall Festival Parade: Dennis Wilson, Tim Latimer, Phil Barnard
Membership: Scott Seach, Tim Latimer
Publicity: Tim Latimer
Website/Technical: Scott Seach, Derek Blice